Whether you're considering building or purchasing an existing home, learn more about removal or abatement of hazardous materials, details about percolation tests and septic systems, as well as resources on energy efficiency and forestry management. Should you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Wanda at 413-768-9848 or via email at hello@wandamooney.com.
Hazardous Material
- Asbestos: State Resource guide, policies, regulations, guidance, federal information. Click here to learn more about asbestos.
- Lead Paint: Resource guide, learn about where to look for lead in an older home.
- Mold Resources: U.S. EPA information on all molds, regulations, air quality standards.
- Radon - Learn more about this odorless and tasteless radioactive gas.
Abide, Inc. - Removal of vermiculite and asbestos, and mold remediation.
Swat Environmental - Radon Mitigation Solutions
Mass Radon - Radon Mitigation
Percolation Test & Septic Systems
Percolation Tests - Learn more about percolation test.
Septic Systems and Title 5 Inspections: Learn more about septic systems, how to maintain them and the Title 5 Inspection.
For more information about percolation tests contact one of the following local engineers:
- Shawn Kimberley - 413-624-9621- Email
- Chris Stoddard - 978-790-9731 - Email
- Mark Thompson - 413-247-5464 - Email
For more information about the costs and process involved to install a septic system contact one of the following contractors:
- Bob Deane - 413-648-9089
- Rob Weeks - 413-575-5481
- W.R. Hillman & Sons, Inc. - 413-625-2847
- Pantermehl - 413-628-4777
Drinking Water
- Drinking Water: Mass DEP guidelines provide information all about drinking water.
Contact a lab directly or have a home inspector take a sample.
- Howard Laboratories, Inc. - 413-247-5533
Forestry Management
- Chapter 61 Forestry: Extensive information Chapter 61, 61a and 61b.
- Land Clearing - Pantermehl - 413-628-4777
Learn about your woods and the care that it might need by hiring a professional forester.
- Richard Kulis - 413-863-8071 - Email
- Lincoln Fist with Baystate Forestry Services - 413-575-9790
Energy Efficiency
- MassSave: Learn about state programs available to make your home more energy efficient.
Contact local contractors who specialize in energy efficient homes.
- JPH Buildling, Inc. - 413-775-3305
- Wright Builders - 413-586-8287
- Penfield and Sons - 413-774-4483