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Western Massachusetts Fairs, Festivals and Special Events!

Make your plans now and mark your calendar for upcoming fairs, festivals and special events happening in Western Massachusetts.    
Chicopee Kielbasa Festival: May 21-25;  Szot Park, Chicopee, k-fest.com
Paradise City Arts Festival: May 23-25, Three County Fairgrounds, Northampton, paradisecityarts.com
Militaria and Firearms Show: Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield; June 6-7; $12; (413) 737-2443. thebige.com/ese
Granby Charter Days: Dufresne Park Recreation, Route 202. June 12-14;www.granbycharterdays.com
Summer Brewfest: Three County Fairgrounds, Northampton, June 13;thesummerbrewfest.com
Vermont Classic Morgan Horse Show: Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield; June 18-20; (413) 737-2443. thebige.com/ese
Taste of Amherst: Town Common, Amherst, June 18-21, info@amherstarea.com
Worthy Craft Brew Showcase: June 20, noon to 4 p.m.; Worthington Street, Springfield, $40 in advance and $45 the day of the event. theworthybrewfest.com
Armory Day: Springfield Armory National Historic Site, June 20, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.www.nps.gov/spa
New England Arabian Horse Show: Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield; June 25-27. Free. (413) 737-2443. thebige.com/ese
New England Fire/Rescue/EMS: Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield; June 26-27. Free. (413) 737-2443 thebige.com/ese
Fireworks for Freedom: Stanley Park, Westfield, June 27 from 4pm - 11pm. Rain date June 28.
Lavender Festival: Local artisans working with lavender; Johnson Hill Farm, 51 Hog Hollow Road, Buckland. June 27-28. (413) 522-9068.
Cityblock Concert Series: Downtown Springfield; Thursday nights, July 2-Aug. 27. (413) 781-1591.  springfielddowntown.com
Monson Summerfest:  Fireworks, June 27; Summerfest celebration, July 4.
East Longmeadow Carnival: June 28 - July 3. Fireworks on July 3 at 10pm at the East Longmeadow High School; parade on July 4 at 10 a.m.;  eastlongmeadow.ma.gov
Yankee Classic Dog Shows: Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield; July 1-5. Free. (413) 737-2443. thebige.com/ese
South Hadley fireworks display: Michael Smith Middle School, July 3 with a rain date of July 5.
Old Sturbridge Village Independence Day Celebration: July 3-5; $10 for members; $14 for non-members. 1-800-SEE-1830. osv.org
Star-Spangled Springfield: July 4; fireworks at 9:30 p.m., downtown Springfield. (413) 733-3800.
Independence Day Celebration: Beacon Field, Greenfield, July 5 from 4pm - 10:30pm. Rain date July 5.
New England Sale and Northeast Youth Sheep Show: Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield; July 10-12. Free. (413) 737-2443. thebige.com/ese
Green River Festival:  Music, crafts, food; Greenfield Community College; July 10-12; $99.99 for all weekend pass in advance; $19.99 for Friday, $59.99 for Saturday, $59.99 for Sunday; per day www.greenriverfestival.com.
Brimfield Outdoor Antiques Show:  Route 20, Brimfield; July 14-19; (413) 283-2418.
Glasgow Scottish Festival: Celebration of Scottish and Celtic Culture; Look Park, Northampton; July 18; $16. (413) 862-8095.
Northampton Sidewalk Sale Days: Downtown Northampton, July 24-27 (413) 582-0723.
Southwick Days: July 24-26; Southwick Recreation Center, Powder Mill Road. Southwickdays.com.
Hampden County 4-H Fair: Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield; July 25. Free. (413) 737-2443.thebige.com/ese
Celebrate Ludlow: Ludlow Fish & Game Club, Sportsman's Road; July 25.  
Connecticut Summer Classic Horse Show: Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield; July 30-Aug 1. 413) 737-2443. thebige.com/ese
East Coast Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show: Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield; Aug. 7-9. (413) 737-2443. thebige.com/ese
Springfield Jazz & Roots Festival: Aug. 8, Court Square, Springfield;springfieldjazzfest.com
Massachusetts Morgan Horse Show: Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield; Aug. 12-15.  (413) 737-2443. thebige.com/ese
West Side Taste of the Valley: August 13-16, West Springfield Town Common,www.westsidetaste.com
Dog Shows: Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield; Aug. 19-23. Free. (413) 737-2443. thebige.com/ese
Westfield Fair: Russellville Road, Westfield, Aug. 21-23.
Cummington Fair:  97 Fairgrounds Road, Cummington, Aug. 21-24.
Northampton Arts Council Transperformance: All-day rock concert to benefit Northampton Schools. Pines Theatre, Look Park, Northampton. 4-9:30 p.m., Aug. 25; (413) 587-1269.
Old Sturbridge Village Family Fun Days: Sept 5-7; 1-800-SEE-1830. osv.org
Three County Fair: Three County Fairgrounds, Northampton, Sept. 4-7; (413) 584-2237. www.threecountyfair.com
Brimfield Outdoor Antiques Show: Route 20, Brimfield; Sept. 8-13; (413) 283-2418.
Franklin County Fair:  Franklin County Fairgrounds. Sept. 10-13; (413)774-4282.
Glendi: Greek Cultural Center, 22 St. George Road, Springfield; Sept. 11-13. (413) 737-1496
Mattoon Street Arts Festival: Mattoon Street, Springfield. Sept. 12-13; (413) 736-0629.
The Big E: Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield; Sept. 18-Oct 4; (413) 737-2443.thebige.com/ese
Belchertown Fair: Sept. 18-20. Town Common; free admission.www.belchertownfair.com
Old Deerfield Craft Fair: Old Deerfield Village; Sept. 19-20. (413) 774-7476.

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