Burnt Hill Blueberry Farm in Heath, Massachusetts is excited to share their delicious blueberries with their neighbors of Western Mass. Last year, the Nartowicz Family, which has been in Heath for over a hundred years, purchased the farm. Now, they are growing low bush wild blueberries high in the hills of Heath.
Their first blueberry season is already off to a great start, with all of their pick-your-own appointments already filled! You can still get some blueberries of your own, by ordering pre-picked boxes of blueberries on their website, burnthillfarm.com. You can pick them up in July and August. Prices are $38 for a 10 lb box and $68 for a 20 lb box.
You could also run into them at a local farmers’ market or farm stand, selling pints and quarts! Stay up to date on what they’re up to this summer by following them on Facebook.
Happy berry season!