Big Brothers Big Sisters of Franklin County is one local nonprofit organization whose work and mission really enhance our community. BBBS matches volunteers with children to form a one-to-one mentoring relationship. By building meaningful connections, children receive support through their social and emotional development, to help them reach their full potential.
The Franklin County chapter of BBBS is always looking for volunteers. Mentors are paired with kids based on mutual interests and preferences. Then the pair meets for 3 to 5 hours per month. Past volunteers claim that the time spent with their mentees has brought them so much joy and fulfillment. These connections strengthen our community by building resilience in youth and give volunteers a sense of purpose and meaning, as well.
If you are interested in volunteering for Big Brothers Big Sisters Franklin County, visit their website here and apply today. If you don’t have the time to give right now, consider making a donation instead.
Be sure to also stay informed on their upcoming events such as the 5K Eat and Run in July.
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